Deep Cleaning Businesses in Canada
The level of cleanliness in a work environment is being taken much more seriously now. Read how the 2020 Pandemic has affected deep cleaning businesses in Canada.
Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting - What's The Difference?
Canadian business owners want to help maintain the health of employees and customers in the time of COVID-19. Learn what cleaning and disinfecting options might be considered to...
Canada Healthier Workplace Cleaning
What are some processes to consider in order to help prevent Coronavirus in your Canadian workplace?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Canada - Frequently Asked Questions
The following is some basic information to help Canadian Businesses during the Coronavirus- COVID-19 pandemic.
How to Pick the Right Canadian Healthcare Facility Cleaning Service
Tips to help Canadian Medical Administrators pick the right healthcare facility cleaning service.
Franchise Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Canada
Franchise opportunities for entrepreneurs are on the rise. This article addresses the questions to ask yourself in order to formulate the right franchise opportunity that is right for...
Flu Season - A Healthy Canadian Office
Flu season tips to keep your Canadian office environment germ free. Simple, easy to read infographic outlines office cleaning must-dos.
How Can Your Office Recycle?
How can your office recycle? Watch this video to learn ways in which you can implement an office recycle program. Get a free office cleaning assessment.
Microfibre Advantages & Uses In An Office Environment
Read about the Advantages and Uses of Microfibre In An Office Environment.
Does Your Canada Auto Dealership Shine?
Canadian auto showroom and the cleanliness of service areas are essential to customer impressions. Does your Canadian auto showroom shine? Find out.